Global Communication and Spirituality

New Yorker’s never skip a beat — the minute the alarm sounds off, and before you know it, running starts the day whether going to work, school or merely taking care of household responsibilities. Every waking moment begins with a new agenda and no relaxation in sight. Phew, this scenario reminds me of the energizer bunny that continuously keeps going without a pause button to stop when necessary. If mentally aware of what needs to be done throughout the day, a good start focuses on prioritizing your workload. However, mindful of the endless task at hand, it is necessary to engage in a thought process, perhaps spirituality?

Take your pick, whether the mode of spirituality is devotion, meditation, prayer or religion, spiritual knowledge for global communication transcends to achieve maximum results in greater numbers. The slide share by Silvia Purpuri and Retsam Zhang shows a model of interconnectivity that streams energy with another individual which in turn enhances communication in a pervasive online environment.

What does spiritual knowledge entail in a world where global communication is prominent? Personally, interpreting the significance of a spiritual being means to have the ability to communicate freely across a wide array of platforms and a multitude of tools to choose from. The criterion for a successful communicative endeavor depends on the model of spiritual knowledge that one must follow for a successful outcome, which means that peevishness does not fit the equation.

Observe – a perfect example illustrates the inception of MOOCs that enriches this nonlinear learning experience. Upon registering for Creativity & Multicultural Communication, the very essence of delving into this environment means to explore, familiarize and take part of the randomness to generate ideas that will ultimately lead to unexpected thought process.

Discover – The learner welcomes anything of interest by sharing ideas through a plethora of platforms and tools for social-working strategies.

Balance – Establishing order and self-acknowledgement which ensures equilibrium and adaptability within a global sphere.

In the end, spirituality begins with one’s self. Whether the spiritual realm connects to God, it is the ability to respond with happiness upon achieving self-realization in order to move forward and share positive interaction with others. The global culture of communication adheres to the rules of the game to interconnect with various platforms and tools with a common ground.

Creative Ideas versus Nonconformity

Pondering creativity from the opposing viewpoint of an incredulous person is mind-boggling. Much like second-guessing, which results in mind reading that leads to assumptions rather than facts, the truth is, creativity is everywhere but most people believe that it exists among the intellect and a selected few triumphs or reaps the reward of innovation ─ such as scientists, mathematicians, and so forth. Let’s face it, anyone can increase creativity by getting involved in matters of interests, but not everyone agrees with innovative concepts or awareness regarding creative thoughts.

In the Muller article, based on the book entitled “Why No One Wants Creativity,” chapter by Barry Staw explains, “people often reject creative ideas when espousing creativity as a desired goal” (2). The interpretation derived from two studies show how creativity happens to fall short of realization due to recognition failure or block creative ideas because of uncertainty. The reality is that most people reject creativity due to unfamiliar grounds.

After reading this article, I recall last semester during a discussion in the Mass Communication course ─ selected advertising track to create a web-based media project. A fellow classmate wrote (not verbatim) that it is a huge undertaking to write and create a service such as e-Works Resume Service, and that special emphasis is required to make it work. Now, what is hidden in this statement? Clearly, creative bias creeps up producing a negative connotation. Applying Jennifer Muller’s experimental study that indicates uncertainty which explains why most creative ideas never materialize. Society has a history of repeating itself, and uncertainty not creativity becomes the subject of scrutiny that audience experience when dealing with creative ideas, such as the above-mentioned case scenario. A noteworthy mention, the assignment called for designing a web-based advertising scheme for e-Works Resume Service ─ chose an email advertising campaign. In addition, the elements required for a successful ad campaign includes the basic Associated Press writing techniques for print and online advertising purposes. Although the comments from classmates varied, some participants strayed by commenting about the innovative start-up instead of the web-based email ad campaign.

While e-Works Resume Service is not a novel idea, the concept provides unequivocal services to anyone seeking employment opportunities to a generation of Americans striving to return to the job market at affordable prices. One possible solution to overturning creativity bias and uncertainty is to continuously promote the product which ensures practicality and desirability.

Taking Innovation to the Next Level

k10046693Throughout the years, the yearning desire to help people find information became a routine that still exists today. The resources available at my fingertips provide support by meeting requestor’s needs for materials and services, from how to obtain documents from the government to resume writing that led to information gathering sources with a purpose. It includes a broad spectrum of knowledge acquired by working at a library resource center for a significant amount of years. In moving forward in this endeavor, I now have a compilation of resumes (created free of charge) to produce promotional samples that ensure marketability by demonstrating the portfolio to prospective clientele.

During my second semester at SUNY Empire State College, I took an online course on Proposal Writing that dealt with the complexity of business writing; consequently, taking what I have learned and the necessary know-how gained from this course, I wrote a business proposal. e-Works Resume Services (looking to trademark name which currently remains available) is a new concept rendering unequivocal services to anyone seeking employment opportunities at affordable prices. The purpose of writing this proposal extends a helping hand to career changers, the unemployed, and job seekers trying to enhance their skills by developing a strategic plan to make each person marketable; regardless of financial status to a generation of Americans striving to return to the job market. The long-term goal is partnering with small businesses that are enthusiastic and committed in this endeavor which will take this start-up to the next level.

Incorporating ideas from an article, Innovation 101, by Carolyn Geer details pertinent information that involves making an idea come alive instituting the pedagogy formula for success called “design thinking”:

Experience – provide hands-on techniques to problem-solving through research and observation.

Ideation – In this instance, visualizing and brainstorming solutions with client for maximum results.

Prototyping – Creating a model and finalizing prototype to acquire the learning experience, even though it may take several attempts to accomplish the end product.

While the article aims at the model plan for students at the Stanford University’s engineering school, Mr. Kelley’s “design thinking helps people regain their creative confidence” (Geer, pg.1). Suffice it to say, there are a multitude of resume services but this one will have a unique twist that offers a solution to the problem and differs from all the rest.

Creativity: Enriching The Imagination

As a child, your creative juices are heightened and flow by demonstrating no inhibitions, and acting out every whim at any given time.  The innocence and the ability to express every thought or emotion depict how sincere children are generally.  Most of the time, these outbursts develop into ideas that result in creativity that emerges unexpectedly.  Existing arguments about whether creativity is lost by the time that child reaches adulthood remains to be explored.  Many studies suggest that creativity diminishes around middle school years and beyond.  Personally, I believe creativity stays tucked away within your inner self until realization strikes (at some point) that makes it possible to rekindle ideas at a business level or through personal goals.   Please keep in mind that exploring avenues by forward thinking produces original concepts and enhances existing ideas.  

Specifically, life often throws a curve ball which alters one’s existence and purpose – ultimately losing sight of what really matters and hindering thoughts and ideas for progression or personal growth.  In 1991, a film entitled Hook aired in theatres everywhere.  It is a story about Peter Pan and how as an adult he lost his ability to be creative losing his imagination, and meeting the responsibilities as an adult – his profession dealt with high-end clientele as a merger and acquisitions lawyer.  He had to recapture his youth in Never Land to rescue his kidnapped children from Captain Hook – Steven Spielberg had an agenda when he directed this movie, does creativity and imagination ring a bell? 

Recently, I read an article asking a very crucial question, can creativity be taught?  It is not about how we can teach creativity but rather focusing on the developmental journey coupled with information gathering research that is vital within the creative process.  Moreover, after reading “Old-Fashioned Play Builds Serious Skills,” it takes us to the fundamentals of child’s play, which involves the imagination as the rudimentary element for creativity. Since the beginning of time, society places emphasis on creativity, now you be the judge:


What Does Transliteracy Mean in Web-based Media Today?

Transliteracy begins with literacy as it is the base framework to have the ability to read and write, and to move forward as a transliterate learner. So exactly what is transliteracy? In my opinion, transliteracy can best be described as any person having the breadth of knowledge to create a building block and establish connectivity through online collaboration with web applications, social media platforms, and tools within web-based media today. Connectivism provides a common goal that will nevertheless stimulate interesting conversations through various mediums.

Popular culture engages in a multitude of social media platforms for online communication and social presence. This mode of communication is trending as the internet is no longer a two-way communication process since its inception in the early 90s. The use of Web 2.0 has gone rampant within the realm of blogosphere, which plays a pivotal role that delivers real-time news from bloggers to mass media covering latest news of interest. With respect to Massive Open Online Course a/k/a MOOC, the learner reaps the benefits of a networking environment by sharing thoughts and ideas enabling the learner to connect the dots towards creativity and innovation among other personal expectations.

Hence, the pedagogy approach represents how the learner processes the information available, and interacts based on individualized learning interest whereby gaining personal growth in a guided independent study setting. As a transliterate learner, I have been exposed to a plethora of social media tools such as: Animoto, Diigo, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more. I will leave you with my first social media experience – a Miracle of Life: a mother’s perspective:

Personal Learning Environment Defined

Working a full-time job, running a household, allocating time to study and working on a plethora of assignments for each class is a huge undertaking. Lately, people tell me that cramming two courses per semester is simply too much and perhaps I should lighten the load a bit. The desire to pursue and complete a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Cultural Studies with a concentration in Communications (with emphasizes in social media) requires time management. Mapping out the logistics of this degree plan and creating a social presence requires some type of structure when everything seems chaotic.

In March 2013, I attended one of many seminars at ESC in Albany, New York regarding time management that I would like to share. Now, you might be wondering, what does time management have to do with Personal Learning Environment (PLE)? In my opinion, it has everything to do with how the learner explores every avenue to create time within an environment conducive to the progression of their learning process. While human interaction is the key element to adhere to the basic element of communication; discovering and implementing new ways of online communication will bring fruition in social networking, learning communities and so on and so forth.

Time management helps to develop essential skills in order to get organized by prioritizing, allocating, and setting goals. Whereas PLE creates a unique opportunity for learners to take charge, maintain or manage their learning process by ultimately accomplishing their learning goals. This is not by all means a comparison but an inside look on how time management becomes a necessity in achieving an effective learning experience.

Hence, following a strategic plan to partake in the multitude of platforms and web application, social media niche tools, and learning communities which will enhance learning goals by applying the 80-20 rule – that simply means 80% productivity and 20% of time prioritizing one’s tasks. See link for more resources on time management:

Lastly, applying the Jafari model which elaborates on lifelong learning provides a non-linear approach in an open learning system. This learning process is most definitely a work in progress which takes time and effort to perfect. In order to accomplish this plan, set a realistic goal, prioritize, and expect the unexpected, try not to procrastinate so that your PLE can work in this world of connectivity. Working towards this endeavor is my ultimate guide by utilizing a myriad of services in which I have complete autonomy.

MOOC Networking

Upon registering for Creativity and Multicultural Communication independent study course, I had just a snippet of information of what to expect in this non-linear way of study. The mere concept of partaking in a MOOC environment seemed quite daunting to say the least. In order to jumpstart in this endeavor, reading the course materials, getting acquainted with the logistics of independent learning, and more importantly the technical challenges faced in order to get involved in platforms such as Google + Hangout turned out extremely cumbersome. However, the desire to succeed and create a meaningful learning experience depends on connectivity and online collaboration ─ my heartfelt apologies for the technical difficulties and not being able to take the plunge sooner.

While perusing and reading some of the articles at CMC11, it occurred to me that special emphasis is required for a successful MOOC networking experience. Have you ever heard of that phrase stick to what you know? Well, self-knowledge enhances the learning experience in an open online community. It is important to think about how online collaboration and communication plays a role in your life or how mass communication you encounter affect the people that you know.

Suffice it to say, the consensus agrees that mass communication surrounds us in every aspect of one’s daily life. Recently, I posted an infographic design of the history of the internet on Facebook. The importance of learning the history of mass media affords us a better understanding and how this positive change can help us now and in the future. Today, people need to spend some time in social interactions in addition to work, school, and running a household. Time is the essence of including and scheduling our daily routine in order to fulfill the leisure and entertainment aspects of one’s life, which promotes a creative and multicultural approach through online collaboration.

An Insight to the Power of the Imaginative Mind

Sir Ken Robinson on the Power of the Imaginative Mind – Part One, discusses the analysis of creativity, the power of the imaginative mind, and linear study in the early developmental stages of children. He talks about the 21st century and how new technology has us engaged globally revolutionizing the way we teach with no historical precedents. I agree with his viewpoint, “not to reform, but to transform it”, based on how we process children through a grade system according to age otherwise known as the linear model.

Let’s take the linear study as example of the systematic approach to learning in America. Where does it state that everyone must follow this educational process? Is it actually helping or is it a hindrance for our kids? Upon viewing the video, I had no idea about the studies performed on children at such an early stage which determined intelligence before reaching kindergarten. Truth be told, the statistical data which demonstrated the decline in creativity/intelligence overwhelmed me.

Research and testing demonstrates the steady decline in children’s intellectual imagination and creativity based on each grading system – first through eighth grade and so forth. The question that lingers show how the educational model stifle children’s progression in my opinion. Evidently, we must act now to create a supporting environment and provide further research to meet the needs of children in early education through adulthood.

Moreover, the scale tips towards an uneven divide with regard to education and the economy. According to Sir Ken Robinson, 9 billion dollars spent on State prison system in comparison to the 3.5 billion dollars for State Universities reveals that the resources available requires extensive evaluation to meet the needs of education as opposed to other areas that do not need plenty of funds. Evaluating each program to apply the funds appropriately would make a difference where it counts.

In the end, we must change the face of the educational system to stimulate the imagination and create an environment conducive to enhancing creativity by sharing ideas and collaborating with others. Hence, teaching children how to dip into their imagination and nurturing them to become smart independent thinkers ensures a new beginning.