Personal Learning Environment Defined

Working a full-time job, running a household, allocating time to study and working on a plethora of assignments for each class is a huge undertaking. Lately, people tell me that cramming two courses per semester is simply too much and perhaps I should lighten the load a bit. The desire to pursue and complete a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Cultural Studies with a concentration in Communications (with emphasizes in social media) requires time management. Mapping out the logistics of this degree plan and creating a social presence requires some type of structure when everything seems chaotic.

In March 2013, I attended one of many seminars at ESC in Albany, New York regarding time management that I would like to share. Now, you might be wondering, what does time management have to do with Personal Learning Environment (PLE)? In my opinion, it has everything to do with how the learner explores every avenue to create time within an environment conducive to the progression of their learning process. While human interaction is the key element to adhere to the basic element of communication; discovering and implementing new ways of online communication will bring fruition in social networking, learning communities and so on and so forth.

Time management helps to develop essential skills in order to get organized by prioritizing, allocating, and setting goals. Whereas PLE creates a unique opportunity for learners to take charge, maintain or manage their learning process by ultimately accomplishing their learning goals. This is not by all means a comparison but an inside look on how time management becomes a necessity in achieving an effective learning experience.

Hence, following a strategic plan to partake in the multitude of platforms and web application, social media niche tools, and learning communities which will enhance learning goals by applying the 80-20 rule – that simply means 80% productivity and 20% of time prioritizing one’s tasks. See link for more resources on time management:

Lastly, applying the Jafari model which elaborates on lifelong learning provides a non-linear approach in an open learning system. This learning process is most definitely a work in progress which takes time and effort to perfect. In order to accomplish this plan, set a realistic goal, prioritize, and expect the unexpected, try not to procrastinate so that your PLE can work in this world of connectivity. Working towards this endeavor is my ultimate guide by utilizing a myriad of services in which I have complete autonomy.